Beaufort County Detention Center
Our Commitment
The Beaufort County Detention Center is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for inmates, staff and visitors.
Our mandate is to do this with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards and respect for human dignity.
About our facility
The Beaufort County Detention Center was constructed in 1969 and has a capacity of 85 beds. We primarily house felony and misdemeanor pretrial detainees. We are located in the basement of the County Courthouse.
For Information on Video Visitation Click Here
Attorney Visits shall be by appointment only. Appointments will be scheduled Monday through Thursday 9am to 3pm. Attorneys wishing to schedule an appointment will need to provide 24 hours’ notice. Attorneys wishing to schedule an appointment can contact Lieutenant Michael Ormond at the Beaufort County Detention Center at 252-946-7113 for more information.

Jail Administrator
Captain Melissa Satchell
North Carolina General Statute § 162-22. Custody of jail
The sheriff shall have the care and custody of the jail in his county; and shall be, or appoint, the keeper thereof.